This episode: the secret to staying kinky in a fiscal depression, aka: buy quality, you never regret it! Recommended products include:
- Hemp from Twisted Monk, proud sponsor of the Ropecast.
- Jute from Kinkyropes (special “volumizer” sale through Easter!)
- MFP from Rainbow Rope
- David Lawrence’s new book “reBound“
- Kink on Demand shoots from
- Visiting Graydancer‘s site or gallery for free nekkidness!
- Shibaricon – Early Bird Registration Extended!
- Maybe a GRUE near you?
- KinkForAll
- Sex 2.0
If you want to do Graydancer a favor, you could do worse than nominate him for either Best Rigger or Best Writer at the Bondage Awards. You can vote once a day, so do it often!
And our main event: an in-depth interview at the Crucible Rope Academy with Maria Shadoes of!
Next podcast is STEAMPUNK, so send your comments to